Friday, November 30, 2007

good morning :)

good morning everyone!! how's your sleep? huh? nightmare? poor you ..

i just woke up from my long sleep (15 hrs), my best record was 20 hrs. ok i feel like a polar bear now. i dont think i was sleeping, not even fainted. i think i was hibernated =.= because all my sleep are very long. all more than 10 hrs. omg, i think i'm a bear.

hmm, i duno, but i felt like writing my blog right after i open my eyes. hmm..

oh ya, yesterday i bought a sudoku book. bargain book frm borders. i bought it for $5. u.p is $20. so cheaap!! and i like sudoku, it's so helpful for ppl who never think, like me XD 150 games and i've finished 7. it's so fun, hahaha. and i ordered a bag also, a harajuku style bag. and when my allowance is sent, i'm gonna pick it up. yaay! but now my cash left is 50 cent.

thanks for reading, have a good sleep.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

what the hell !!!?

simple plan came to lasalle just now and i didn't see them !? argh !! @#$%^&*!!!!!! actually i know, but i thot it was a joke. my thinking was "what are they doing in lasalle? why so sudden ? it sounds so weird blablablabla". i meant to check but i thot if that's not true i'd just exhaust myself. damn, i'm soooo stupid!!!!! RAAAAAHH !!!! mo gila. okay, i'm so dumb, so stupid, i'm an idiot, whatever !!!!! and if it was true, why nobody give me a call ? fuck u all, u guys are no longer my friends! huh!! X(

okay forgot simple plan, i'm not their fan anyway XD hahahaha.

and i dont know what to write. still in an ultimate shock O___O

Monday, November 26, 2007

sekali2 bantu temen

vote for no talent !
thank you :D

no talent's myspace :

myspace gw ? ga ada XD

Friday, November 23, 2007

holiday is in the air

finally review is over and i can write my blog again. haha ! i'm quite satisfied with the result. i pass them all, thou i thought i'll fail drawing development bcos chinkang didnt say anything good about my works. but i got D. i thot i got F haha XD but the rest are B and C :D i dont hail for an A. i only need to pass, i sound like dont care, and i really dont. i only have to do all my works rite ? at least i tried my best and i deserve to pass even it's a D.

so anyway, me jes proud roshni kus ben emad and seng yew went wheelock for sushi, but the queue was longer than a dozen of tall anacondas in line. to avoid q-ing longer than turtle's life, we decided to eat at fish and co. and seng yew ordered a rambutan pineaple drink. the glass sooo big ! even bigger than my face. but half of the glass was ice =.= played truth and dare, he got to give a male waiter a rose. and the waiter actually wink at him. so creepy.

big ya ?

if u have a problem shitting or if u wanna laugh your ass off, watch this :

Thursday, November 22, 2007

my birthday !!

ok yesterday was my birthday, and my classmates gave me that polar bear. i name him polli. sooo cuuute x3 i like i like !! thx to proud joyce and jane. and just now jes gave me a jewellery box "to help you tidy up" but it sounded like "to make you buy more jewelleries" instead. but it's nice thou, i like :) and yesterday we went bugis to see enchanted. too bad kussy wasn't coming. but it also good for me lah, hehe. anyway, today me proud jane jes and daryl went bugis to eat. and we took purikura (again) !! and my favorite one is this :

daryl is a pretty shit

oh yeah, just now i saw L'Arc-en-Ciel's new album ads. it's sooooo HOT !!! it's sooo fuckin hot !! ken is just so so so damn sexy. oh my god, i'm soooo in love XD a perfect birthday gift ..

so fuckin hot lar ..

oh btw, if you want to see birthday girl's new look, it's hewe but she now become quite scary and ungrateful because of drawing too much. side effect oft art school ..

aww , she's damn nice right ? :)

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

sore2 di orchard

oke tadi gw ke far east. belanja nyari bahan buat essay. yg harus gw lakukan adalah mencari hot item ato bahasa gaulnya barang trendi jaman sekarang. dan gw dapet 2 : tas anya hindmarch 'i'm not a plastic bag' ato 'saya bukan plastik kresek' dan kaos junkfood 'little miss'. tadinya gw mau pake tas anya, tp kata icu dan ratri mendingan kaos little miss. oke, jadilah gw pilih itu. untuk essay kita perlu foto. dan di toko2 di far east tertulis : "no photography. once taken consider sold". tai. males bgt gw ngeluarin 15 dolar cuman buat gituan doang. akhirnya gw putuskan untuk memfoto kaos little miss punya gw. 'little miss birthday' gile loo tar gw pake ah tgl 21 *kado!! kado!!!!! awas lo!*

trus jam berapa gw gatau yg jelas udah sore gw ditelepon sm icu. ditunggu di starbucks centre point. gw tu maleeeees bgt sm orchard sore2. bukan, bukan rame. tp banyak burung! ngga, bukan tai burung jatoh pas di kepala gw, tapi suaranya itu loh. ribuuuuuutttt bgt! pengen gw tembakin satu2 dr bawah.

KOAAAAAAKKK ... -bruk-
mati deh

oiyah besok deepavali (hari raya orang india). dan gw ga akan ngucapin selamat, karna pasti di little india mampus2an. pokoknya besok gw ga mau keluar !!! gw lg di dket little india nih tinggalnya =.= kalo terpaksa ya gw ambil jalan muter, lewat batam jg gpp. asal gw ga ada di badai tornado orang2 india. serem abis dah.

Monday, November 05, 2007


haah, skolah gw skrg lg libur gt seminggu, bosen bgt gatau gw mau ngapain *ngerjain tugas begoo*. ya ngerjainnya ntar aja deh. bersenang2 dulu sakit2an kemudian.

ya jadilah gw sekarang di sini. depan tv sama himawan. nonton danny phantom *sumpah bukan gw yg nyetel !!!* hehe . terakhir gw nonton tv tuh kapan ya ? lupa gw. di rumah gw yg dulu tv segede gajah bengkak beranak tiga juga ga pernah gw tonton. palingan kalo temen2 gw dateng mereka nyetel tp gw ga nonton (sama mereka juga ngga, buang2 listrik doang ceritanya). jadii sekarang gw di dpn tv juga tv nyala tp gw ga nonton. kayaknya gw ga bisa deh kalo bukan channel indo. hehe. aah~ saya pengen nonton ob.

oiyah, ngomong2 gw ada gebetan baru loh. hehe. bukan gebetan sii, cuman gw seneng aja ngeliat cowo ini. ganteng sih. tak ganteng maka tak sayang. hehehe. namanya ga bisa gw sebut disini, bisa gawat *siapa juga yg mau baca rassss!?* ya pokoknya kalo hari rabu pelajaran IS babi, kelasnya dia ada di sebelah kelas gw. omg he's so hoooottt ! kayak kompor. namanya dia sama kayak salah satu anggota westlife :D